Paragon Ultraflyte Permanent Lifeguard Chair with Rear Ladder



SKU 42-610



Product Specs

The flared rails on Paragon’s Ultraflyte permanent lifeguard chair with rear ladder enable the lifeguard to reach the seat directly from the ladder and offer minimal obstruction permitting fast, easy take-off in a lifesaving rescue.

Paragon Ultraflyte Permanent Lifeguard Chair with Rear Ladder Specifications

– Rails: .145″ x 1.90″ O. D. Stainless Steel
– Molded plastic seat with 360 degree swivel.
– Injection molded cycolac steps.
– Sturdy fiberglass coated, laminated platform.
– Umbrella holder.
– Required anchors and escutcheon plates.
– Shipping Weight: 187 lbs.